8 Clues Your Commercial Space Must Have a Wiring Upgrade

Author: Passey Electric. |


Running a business is a tricky task, and as a business owner, you must ensure that your commercial space is fully functional and safe. One of the essential components of any retail space is the electrical wiring system, which is responsible for powering all of your equipment and lighting. However, the wiring system can become outdated or damaged over time, leading to various issues that can harm your business. 

This blog post will discuss the clues that your commercial space must have a wiring upgrade.

Frequent Power Outages

If your commercial space experiences frequent power outages, it could be a sign that your wiring infrastructure is outdated. Older wiring systems are not designed to handle the modern electricity businesses require. Frequent power outages can not only cause damage to your equipment but also disrupt your business operations.

Circuit Breaker Trips

Another common sign that your commercial space requires a wiring upgrade is frequent circuit breaker trips. If you notice that your circuit breaker trips frequently, it indicates that your wiring system is overloaded and can't handle the electrical load. This can damage your electrical appliances and even pose a fire hazard.

Outdated Wiring System

If your commercial space has an outdated wiring system, it's time to consider upgrading it. Old wiring systems are not designed to handle the electrical demands of modern technology, which can lead to frequent electrical problems. Additionally, outdated wiring systems can pose a safety hazard, as they may need to meet current safety standards.

Flickering Lights

If your lights flicker frequently, it's a sign of a problem with your wiring system. Various issues, including loose connections, damaged wiring, or overloaded circuits, can cause this. Flickering lights reduce the visibility in your commercial space and distract your employees and customers.

Burning Smell

A burning smell from your electrical system clearly indicates something is wrong. Overheating wiring or a faulty electrical component can cause this smell. Ignoring this sign can cause a fire hazard, so it's essential to address the issue immediately by calling help with commercial electrical services. 

Electrical Shocks

If you or anyone in your commercial area experiences electrical shocks when using electrical appliances or touching switches, it's a sign of a problem with your wiring system. Faulty wiring can lead to severe injuries or even death and can cause electrical shocks.

Non-Grounded Outlets

If your commercial space has non-grounded outlets, it's time to consider upgrading your wiring system. Non-grounded outlets can pose a safety hazard, as they don't provide a path for electrical currents to travel safely to the ground. This can result in electrical shocks or even fires.

Overloaded Circuits

If you notice that your electrical appliances are not working correctly, it's a sign that your circuits may be overloaded. Overloaded circuits can cause damage to your electrical appliances and pose a fire hazard. Upgrading your wiring system ensures that your circuits can handle the electrical load of your commercial space.


Your commercial space's electrical wiring system ensures your business operates smoothly and safely. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it's time to consider upgrading your wiring system. Upgrading your wiring system ensures your commercial space is fully functional and safe for your employees and customers. It can also save you money in the long run by reducing the risk of electrical problems and improving energy efficiency.

Passey Electric is a reliable and efficient electrical company that caters to residential, farm wiring, and commercial establishments across Raymond, Southern Alberta. We use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to ensure that every project is completed to the highest standard of quality and safety. Whether you are planning to install new electrical systems or need to maintain your existing ones, Passey Electric is the perfect choice for you. Don't hesitate to contact us today and experience our exceptional electrical solutions in Lethbridge.

